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Alvaro stole the hearts of his Polish audience at his concert last night in Warsaw!

Alvaro Soler is touring Europe at the moment with his fantastic Magia European Tour, and last night Alvaro made a stop in Warsaw, delivering an amazing show at the venue COS Torwar. This was the second show Alvaro did in Poland with his Magia European Tour, after performing in Krakow on Tuesday evening. Alvaro's show in Warsaw last night was spectacular, and exceeded the audience's expectations, and one of the many highlights was that Alvaro also sang in Polish, when performing his hit Libre!

Below I'll be sharing videos and photos of Alvaro's outstanding concert last night in Warsaw


Actualmente, Álvaro Soler está de gira por Europa con su magnífica gira europea "Magia European Tour", y anoche Álvaro hizo una parada en Varsovia, entregando un concierto fenomenal en el recinto COS Torwar. Esto fue la segunda fecha de la gira europea en Polonia, después de cantar Álvaro el pasado martes ante una arena repleta en Cracovia. Su directo anoche en Varsovia estuvo espectacular, y superó todas las expectativas del público. ¡Uno de los momentos más especiales fue sin duda alguna cuando Álvaro interpretó su éxito Libre en polaco!

A continuación voy a compartir muchos vídeos y fotos del destacado concierto que hizo Álvaro anoche en Varsovia

Candela --- COS Torwar, Warsaw, 21/09/2022

Candela --- COS Torwar, Warsaw, 21/09/2022

Loca --- COS Torwar, Warsaw, 21/09/2022

Ella --- COS Torwar, Warsaw, 21/09/2022

Manila --- COS Torwar, Warsaw, 21/09/2022

Magia --- COS Torwar, Warsaw, 21/09/2022

La Libertad --- COS Torwar, Warsaw, 21/09/2022

El Mismo Sol --- COS Torwar, Warsaw, 21/09/2022

Volar --- COS Torwar, Warsaw, 21/09/2022

Libre (in Polish!) --- COS Torwar, Warsaw, 21/09/2022

Alma de Luz --- COS Torwar, Warsaw, 21/09/2022

En Tu Piel --- COS Torwar, Warsaw, 21/09/2022

Esperándote --- COS Torwar, Warsaw, 21/09/2022

Agosto --- COS Torwar, Warsaw, 21/09/2022

Diferente (with guest artist Greg Taro!) --- COS Torwar, Warsaw, 21/09/2022

Despiertos (with guest artist Greg Taro!) --- COS Torwar, Warsaw, 21/09/2022

A Contracorriente --- COS Torwar, Warsaw, 21/09/2022

Sólo Para Ti & La Cintura --- COS Torwar, Warsaw, 21/09/2022

Sofía --- COS Torwar, Warsaw, 21/09/2022

Sofía --- COS Torwar, Warsaw, 21/09/2022

Credits videos: Youtube channels Robi 16 Koncertomaniak Beata Grzeskowiak

Credits photos: Olga Pawula @alterart_official

Credits photos: Paweł Olszacki



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