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Alvaro has signed now with new label Epic Records Germany

Alvaro Soler recently made an important change in his music career: he changed record company. Before, Alvaro was signed with Universal Music Germany, but very recently, he signed with new label Epic Records, which is part of Sony Music. We wish Alvaro in any case all the best in his future collaboration with Epic Records!

Under Sony Music label Epic Records, Alvaro plans to bring out his new single 'Muero' next Friday May 5th.


Álvaro Soler ha efectuado este año un cambio importante en su carrera musical: ha cambiado de casa discográfica. Anteriormente, Álvaro estaba con Universal Music Alemania, pero ha firmado ahora con la casa discográfica Epic Records, que forma parte de Sony Music. ¡En cualquier caso, le deseamos a Álvaro todo lo mejor en su futura colaboración con Epic Records!

Estando bajo Epic Records de Sony Music, Álvaro estrenará el próximo viernes 5 de mayo su nuevo sencillo 'Muero'.

Álvaro with his manager Andy (second person from the right) and the Sony Music executives


Álvaro con su manager Andy (segunda persona desde la derecha) y los ejecutivos de Sony Music

Credits photo/ créditos foto: Bella Lieberberg/Sony Music Germany



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