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Alvaro has launched his new cooking show, Alvaro's Kitchen Talk

Alvaro Soler has launched a cooking show on Youtube, in collaboration with some friends he invites to his house. The cooking program is called 'Alvaro's Kitchen Talk' and is filmed at Alvaro's home. Alvaro invites a guest to his house, and together with him/her he prepares some good dishes in the kitchen while chatting to each other.

In the first episode of 'Alvaro's Kitchen Talk', Alvaro and Nico Santos prepare a vegetarian paella

In the second episode, Alvaro invites Wincent Weiss, and they make sushi together


Álvaro Soler ha lanzado un programa de cocina en Youtube, en colaboración con algunos amigos que Álvaro invita a su casa. El programa se llama 'Alvaro's Kitchen Talk', y es grabado en casa de Álvaro. En el programa, Álvaro y su invitado preparan algunos buenos platos en la cocina, al mismo tiempo de llevar una amena charla

En el primer episodio, Álvaro y el invitado Nicos Santos preparan una paella vegetariana

El segundo episodio, Alvaro invita a Wincent Weiss, y juntos hacen sushi



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