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Alvaro tours Europe with his fantastic Mar de Colores European Tour! Read on to relive Alvaro's

On Tuesday 7th of May, Alvaro Soler kicked off his Mar de Colores European Tour in Prague, and after that, he performed in Zurich (08/05), Milan (09/05), Paris (11/05), Utrecht (12/05), Brussels (13/05), Luxembourg (14/05), Vienna (16/05), Poznan (17/05), Warsaw (18/05) and Barcelona (24/05) and closed his tour in Madrid (26/05).

Every concert of Alvaro's Mar de Colores European Tour was awesome, unforgettable and as can be concluded from the audience's reactions, exceeded all expectations. At every show, Alvaro gave all the best of himself; he sang no fewer than 22 songs with excellence and dedication, and he had a great interaction with his audience, telling us his experiences when traveling around Europe and getting in contact with different cultures. The setup of Alvaro's concerts is very good, varied and original, the set list is very cool, and the musical accompaniment is very elaborate and wonderful, since there are also a saxophonist, a trumpet player and violinist in his band, of which all musicians are very talented.

This is the set list of the concerts of Alvaro's Mar de Colores Tour

No Te Vayas


La Libertad


Au Au Au

El Mismo Sol


Yo Contigo Tú Conmigo

Te Quiero Lento



Niño Perdido

Cuando Volverás





Tengo Un Sentimiento

La Cintura

El Camino



I attended several concerts of Alvaro's European Tour, which are his shows in Paris, Utrecht, Brussels, Luxembourg, Barcelona and Madrid.

I took some videos, but I prefer to post photos and videos of better quality than mine.


El martes 7 de mayo, Álvaro Soler arrancó su gira europea Mar de Colores en Praga, y a continuación ofreció conciertos en Zúrich (08/05), Milán (09/05), París (11/05), Utrecht (12/05), Bruselas (13/05), Luxemburgo (14/05), Viena (16/05), Poznan (17/05), Varsovia (18/05) y Barcelona (24/05) para luego finalizar su gira en Madrid (26/05).

Cada concierto de la gira europea de Álvaro fue magnífico e inolvidable y a juzgar por las opiniones del público, superó todas las expectativas. En cada ocasión, Álvaro dio todo lo mejor de sí; interpretó no menos de 22 canciones con excelencia, mucha profesionalidad y mucha entrega, y tuvo una estupenda interacción con su público, compartiendo con nosotros sus experiencias al viajar por Europa y conocer distintas culturas. Es muy variada y muy buena la organización de sus conciertos, está genial el set list, y en cuanto al acompañamiento musical, le respalda una banda fenomenal de músicos muy talentosos, incluyendo a un saxofonista, un trompetista y una violinista.

Es ésta la lista de canciones tocadas en los conciertos de su gira Mar de Colores

No Te Vayas


La Libertad


Au Au Au

El Mismo Sol


Yo Contigo Tú Conmigo

Te Quiero Lento



Niño Perdido

Cuándo Volverás





Tengo Un Sentimiento

La Cintura

El Camino



Yo asistí a varios conciertos de la gira Mar de Colores de Álvaro, es decir sus fechas en París, Utrecht, Bruselas, Luxemburgo, Barcelona y Madrid.

Yo saqué vídeos, aunque prefiero poner en esta publicación material de mejor calidad que el mío.


Alvaro in concert at the Tipsport Arena in Prague, Tuesday May 7 2019

Credits: Photos by photographer Kristyna Mergescikova (Instagram @cvk.e)

Credits: Photo by Vincent Franken (Instagram @_vincentfranken)

Sofía -- Tipsport Arena, Prague, 07/05/2019

Credits: Video from the Youtube channel of nedomlelka

Bonita -- Tipsport Arena, Prague, 07/05/2019

Credits: video from the Youtube channel of nedomlelka

Eterno Agosto -- Tipsport Arena, Prague, 07/05/2019

Credits: Video from the Youtube channel of Tomáš Vaněk

Alvaro in concert at the Mediolanum Forum in Milan, Thursday May 9 2019

Credits: Photos are taken from

Credits: Photos made by Onstage Magazine Website:

Credits: Photos by RockOn Italia Website: and reposted by the official Italian fan club Team Soler

Credits: Photo by the Italian photographer Mairo Cinquetti

Libre -- Mediolanum Forum, Milan, 09/05/2019

Credits: video from the Youtube channel leonardo da vinci

El Mismo Sol -- Mediolanum Forum, Milan, 09/05/2019

Credits: video from the Youtube channel leonardo da vinci

Niño Perdido -- Mediolanum Forum, Milan, 09/05/2019

Credits: video from the Youtube channel leonardo da vinci

Alvaro in concert at the Cabaret Sauvage in Paris, Saturday May 11 2019

Credits: Photos from the Instagram page @franbramos

Animal -- Cabaret Sauvage, Paris, 11/05/2019

Credits: thanks to Stephane Leclere for this video from your Youtube channel

Alvaro in concert at the Tivolivredenburg in Utrecht (Netherlands), Sunday May 12 2019

Credits: photos made by Dutch photographer Dorien Hein and posted by Tivolivredenburg (Instagram @tivolivredenburg)

Credits: Photos made by Dutch photographer Patrick Fontijn (Instagram page @patrickfontijn)

Credits: Photos made by Marvin Ströter (Instagram @maervle) and Vincent Franken (Instagram @_vincentfranken) and reposted by the official Italian fan club of Alvaro, Team Soler (Instagram @team.soler)

Summary of Alvaro's concert at the Tivolivredenburg in Utrecht, 12/05/2019

Credits: thanks to Gwenn Parijs for this video from your Youtube channel

La Cintura -- Tivolivredenburg, Utrecht, 12/05/2019

Credits: Thanks to Gwenn Parijs for this video from your Youtube channel

La Libertad -- Tivolivredenburg, Utrecht, 12/05/2019

Credits: Thanks to Amy Stuik for this video from your Youtube channel

Alvaro in concert at the Cirque Royal in Brussels, Monday May 13 2019

Credits: Photos by Belgian photographer Freya Goossens (Instagram @freyagoossens)

Credits: Photo by Jean-Marc Pierard Photography and taken from:

Credits: Photos by Michaela Danner (Instagram page @michaelaviolin)

Ella - Cirque Royal, Brussels, 13/05/2019

Credits: thanks to eliolima for this video from your Youtube account

Sofía -- Cirque Royal, Brussels, 13/05/2019

Credits: Thanks to Dominique Biard for this video from your Youtube channel

La Cintura -- Cirque Royal, Brussels, 13/05/2019

Credits: Thanks to Dominique Biard for this video from your Youtube channel

Cuándo Volverás -- Cirque Royal, Brussels, 13/05/2019

Credits: Thanks to Dominique Biard for this video from your Youtube channel

Alvaro in concert at Den Atelier in Luxembourg, Tuesday May 14 2019

Credits: Thanks to Den Atelier (Instagram @denatelier) for these photos

Credits: Photos made by photographer Mandy Radics from Trierischer Volksfreund

Alvaro in concert at the Poznan Congress Center in Poznan (Poland), Friday May 17 2019

Credits: Photos were made by photographer Pawel Rychter and are taken from his facebook page

Yo Contigo Tú Conmigo -- Poznan Congress Center, Poznan (Poland), 17/05/2019

El Mismo Sol -- Poznan Congress Center, Poznan, 17/05/2019

Credits: video from the Youtube channel of Agnieszka Gumiska

La Libertad -- Poznan Congress Center, Poznan (Polonia), 17/05/2019

Credits: video from the Youtube channel of Agnieszka Gumiska

Loca -- Poznan Congress Center, Poznan, 17/05/2019

Credits: video from the Youtube channel of Agnieszka Gumiska

Bonita -- Poznan Congress Center, Poznan, 17/05/2019

Credits: video from the Youtube channel of Agnieszka Gumiska

No Te Vayas & Puebla -- Poznan Congress Center, Poznan, 17/05/2019

Credits: video from the Youtube channel of Agnieszka Gumiska

Niño Perdido -- Poznan Congress Center, Poznan, 17/05/2019

Credits: video from the Youtube channel of Agnieszka Gumiska

Esperándote -- Poznan Congress Center, Poznan, 17/05/2019

Credits: video from the Youtube channel of Agnieszka Gumiska

Cuándo Volverás -- Poznan Congress Center, Poznan, 17/05/2019

Credits: Video from the Youtube channel of Agnieszka Gumiska

Agosto --- Poznan Congress Center, Poznan, 17/05/2019

Credits: Video from the Youtube channel of Agnieszka Gumiska

Te Quiero Lento -- Poznan Congress Center, Poznan, 17/05/2019

Credits: Video from the Youtube channel of Agnieszka Gumiska

Histérico -- Poznan Congress Center, Poznan, 17/05/2019

Credits: Video from the Youtube channel of Agnieszka Gumiska

Tengo Un Sentimiento -- Poznan Congress Center, Poznan, 17/05/2019

Credits: Video from the Youtube channel of Agnieszka Gumiska

Libre -- Poznan Congress Center, Poznan, 17/05/2019

Credits: Video from the Youtube channel of Agnieszka Gumiska

Alvaro in concert at the COS Torwar in Warsaw, Saturday May 18 2019

Yo Contigo Tú Conmigo, COS Toward, Warsaw, 18/05/2019

Credits: Thanks to Karolina Stankiewicz for this video from your Youtube channel

Credits: Photos by Anna Bursztynowicz Photography

Alvaro in concert at the Wizink Center in Madrid, Sunday May 26 2019

Credits: Photos by Raul Blanco

Credits: Photos by @eithanbay (Instagram)

Credits: Photo by @rlm_es

Credits: Photos by

No Te Vayas & Puebla --- Wizink Center, Madrid, 26/05/2019

Credits: video from the Youtube channel of LONG_xixi

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